Welcome to the Estimated Delivery Demo page

Here you will find some of the possible configurations and display from the Estimated Delivery module.
You can also use the top menu to check some prepared views, like the display for the product listing.
If you want to "play" with the module settings you can use the back office and check the section called REGULAR DEMO PRODUCTS, this will allow you to test any of the module configurations, display methods and features.
Other features from the module: Try to place an order and see the ED throughout all the process (and even on the emails received!)
Any doubts? Feel free to contact us through the Addons Marketplace if you have any question about a feature or a module configuration setting. We will gladly assess you with the best of our abilities.
Product Display Examples (open or click on quickview for more details)
Each of the 5 display modes for the Estimated Delivery on product pages. Check each product to see the different display opportunities.
The color, format and display can be further personalized by using the Back Office available options.
Date modifiers examples (Open or click on quick view for more details)
Check these products to see some of the data modifiers that can be configured throughout the Estimated Delivery module and some special kinds of products, like the Virtual Products.
Read the short description of each product for further details.
Regular Demo Products (The ones you can modify from the Back Office)
If you want to play with the module settings, you can check these products to see the customizations you have made. This will allow you to test any of the module configurations, display methods, and features.